How to get the state of a transaction in React using Wagmi

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to get the state of a transaction in your React application using Wagmi and the useTransaction hook and the getTransactionReceipt function from Ethers JS.

Here is the code to do that:

import { useTransaction } from 'wagmi'

function MyComponent() {
  const { data, error, isError, isLoading } = useTransaction({
    hash: '0xce76905eccd581d556969158cf410318ff0282350e8258553e85f81fb9150277',

  // isLoading is true while fetching the transaction
  if (isLoading) return <span>Loading transaction...</span>
  // isError is true if the transaction was not found.
  // There might be an error with the transaction hash or the network
  if (isError) return <p>Could not get the transaction: {error}</p>
  // If the transaction was successfully fetched, the transaction information is in the data returned by the hook
  return <p>The transaction data: {JSON.stringify(data)}</p>

In the code above, first we call the the useTransaction hook and in the parameters of the hook we pass the hash of the transaction we want to get. If no hash is passed or it's null, it won't try to fetch anything.

The useTransaction hook returns a few properties that you can find here but the ones that we use the most are these:

  • data is an object that contains information about your transaction. The data object is a TransactionResponse object from EthersJS
  • error will be null if the data was fetched successfully, otherwise it contains the error and a message telling why the transaction could not be fetched
  • isLoading will be true while the transaction is being fetched and false otherwise.
  • isError will be true if there was an error fetching the transaction and false otherwise

The data contains a TransactionResponse which will have the following properties:

  • blockNumber: The number of the block this transaction will be mined in or null if the transaction is pending
  • blockHash: The hash of the block this transaction will be mined in ornull if the transaction is pending
  • timestamp: The timestamp of the block this transaction will be mined in or null if the transaction is pending
  • confirmations: The confirmations that the transaction has. It corresponds to the number of blocks that have been mined (including the initial block) since this transaction was first included in a block.
  • raw: A raw hexadecimal string containing information about the transaction
  • wait: A function that allows you to wait for the transaction to be completed. You can pass the number of confirmation you want to wait for in the parameters of that function and it will return a TransactionReceipt when the transaction is completed or an error if it fails.
  • type: The EIP-2718 type of this transaction.
  • accessList: The AccessList array included in the transaction

Getting the state of the transaction based on the returned data

When the transaction is pending or not

As you can see, when you get a transaction using the hook it can still be pending. If the transaction is pending, timestamp, blockhash and blockNumber will be null and confirmations will be 0.

Otherwise, the transaction was confirmed and is completed.

How to see if the transaction was successful or failed

Unfortunately, to get that information you need to get a TransactionReceipt. You don't have that information in the data returned by the useTransaction hook.

To get the receipt, you can either wait for the transaction to be completed, or call the getTransactionReceipt function that Ethers JS provides.

We'll see how to do both here.

In the TransactionReceipt object, if the status property is 1 it means the transaction was successful and if it's 0 it means the transaction failed.

Check out the TransactionReceipt documentation to get more information about the error object and the properties that a transaction receipt contains.

How to wait for a transaction to be completed

If the transaction is still pending, and you want to wait for the transaction to be confirmed and completed, you can either use the wait function in the data or use the useWaitForTransaction hook.

Here is an example of how to use wait and useWaitForTransaction:

import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useTransaction, useWaitForTransaction } from 'wagmi';

export const MyComponent = () => {
  const { data } = useTransaction({
    hash: "0xce76905eccd581d556969158cf410318ff0282350e8258553e85f81fb9150277"

  // Wait for the transaction using the hook
  const {
    data: txReceipt,
    error: txError,
    isLoading: txLoading,
  } = useWaitForTransaction({ confirmations: 1, hash: data?.hash });
  useEffect(() => {
    if (tx.receipt) {
      console.log("The transaction was successful, the receipt:", txReceipt)
  }, [txReceipt])

  // Wait for the transaction using the wait function
  useEffect(() => {
    if (data?.wait) {
        .then((receipt) => {
          console.log('The transaction was successful', receipt);
        .catch((err) => {
          console.log('The transaction failed:', err);
  }, [data]);
  // ... rest of the component

The wait function will take in parameters the number of confirmations to wait for and will return a Promise. When that Promise is resolved, it means the transaction has the confirmations you wanted to wait for so it's not pending anymore and it returns a TransactionReceipt.

If the transaction fails, the Promise will reject and return an error.

The useWaitForTransaction hook takes in parameter an object which has a hash property in which you put the hash of the transaction to wait for. You can also pass the number of confirmations to wait for by passing a confirmations property.

The default number of confirmations is 1 and is enough in most cases.

If you want to see all the options you can pass to the useWaitForTransaction hook, check out this part of the documentation.

Get the transaction receipt using the getTransactionReceipt function

Now, if you know that the transaction is completed and you want the receipt directly, you can use the getTransactionReceipt function from Ethers JS which is the library Wagmi is based on.

Here is how to use that function:

export function MyComponent() => {

  // ... rest of the code
  const provider = useProvider()
  // get an Ethers provider using the Wagmi providers in your Wagmi client and use it to call getTransactionReceipt
  useEffect(() => {
    async function fetchTransaction() {
        .then((receipt) => {
            console.log('the transaction receipt:', receipt)
        .catch((error) => {
            console.log('failed to get the transaction:', error)

  }, [provider]);
  // ... rest of the code


To call that function, we need to access the provider that is in our Wagmi client. That provider is an Ethers JS provider so we can use it to call the getTransactionReceipt function.

To get that provider, we can use the useProvider hook from Wagmi.

As you can see, you just need to pass the hash of the transaction you want to get the receipt of and it returns a Promise that returns the receipt when it resolves and an error when rejected.

And that's it 🎉

Thank you for reading this article