How to learn Web3 JS for free and be able to work on any dApp

If you want to learn web3 development, the easiest way to start is to learn web3 js. In this article, we're going to see how you can learn web3 js for free!

What is Web3 JS?

Web3.js is a JavaScript library that allows you to interact with the Ethereum blockchain using simple functions instead of Ethereum's JSON-RPC API.

When I say Ethereum blockchain, I'm also talking about EVM chains, meaning blockchains that are based on Ethereum like the Binance smart chain, Avalanche, Polygon and others.

That library is mostly used to work on the front-end of web3 apps.

For example, if you want to make a website for your users to mint your NFT, you would add code to allow the user to connect a wallet and then use Web3 JS to interact with the blockchain and with your smart contract through the user's wallet.

How to learn Web3 JS for free?

The first option to learn Web3 JS is to go over the documentation and find the resources you need by yourself.

Here is the link to the documentation:

web3.js - Ethereum JavaScript API — web3.js 1.0.0 documentation

Now, that will take you a lot of time and effort and you're not even sure what to look for or if you found the right solution.

The other option is to Google exactly what you're looking for like "how to send a transaction using web3 js".

Again, that's a good solution but you'll waste time and effort trying to find the right answer and when you do have a solution, you're not sure it's the best one.

I created a lot of how-to articles for free that teach you how to do the most common things with web3 js.

Like sending Ethereum, sending tokens, getting an address' balance, estimating the gas fees of a transaction, interacting with a smart contract and others!

You can find all of these articles here:

Also, check the home page where there is a list of all our articles to make sure you find exactly what you're looking for.

Now, I compiled everything you need to know to be able to work on any dApp project so you don't waste time, effort and maybe money on trying to learn web3 js.

And it's all free!

That way, you can learn the most used functions of web3 js that will allow you to work on any dApp in a few minutes.

Also, you can keep the Web3 JS Cheat Sheet open while you're working so you can easily and quickly find what you're looking for at any time.

You can have access to the Web3.js Cheat Sheet for free by simply leaving your email in the form down below and I will immediately send you the guide for free by email (make sure to check your spams folder)

To sum up, your options are to:

  • Read through the documentation
  • Try to find the solutions on Google
  • Read our free articles "how-to" articles when you need it
  • Use the Web3.js Cheat Sheet

(the last one sounds better 🙂)

Thanks for reading this article! Here is the form to receive the Web3.js Cheat Sheet for free: